....and it looks pretty damn good. Looks like they finally have a finished game on the way. They'd better after KoF 12 (or as I like to call it, KoF June '95). It looks like they addressed a lot of the major issues in KoF 12, mostly because the majority of them weren't related to the actual gameplay, but in regards to how unfinished it was. I still think 12 should have been released for a lower price, maybe 30-40 bucks, because it was clearly a test run for the new engine and style SNK were utilizing for the franchise. Thankfully, 13 will actually have a story and a final boss, which I thought the lack of was inexcusable in KoF 12. The characters are also more appropriately updated this time around, although they still do resemble earlier incarnations in many ways.
It really looks like they paid attention to many of the critiques of KoF 12, and they seem to have brought the game closer to the recent installments. The character sprites are no longer huge and pixelated (although I still think they look awesome), which was pretty much achieved by pulling the camera back to where it's been for the other 12+ KoF games. As for gameplay, a multi-livel super move system is implemented, and hopefully characters have more than just one this time around (what's with the sudden minimalist attitude towards the number of super moves nowadays?). From what I've seen, the critical counter system from the 12 has been removed or lessened in importance, and thank god for that. I didn't play KoF 12 incredibly much, but I found the system difficult to use....at least on purpose. There was no real definite explanation of how you initiate it, so whenever I tried I couldn't. But then when I least expect it, it activates and I'm to caught off guard to capitalize on it. Would've been nice to have a little control over it so I could figure out what exactly to do with it. But anyway, I haven't seen anyone use it in the gameplay videos I've seen, and the same goes for their blatant rip off of the focus attacks in SF4.
Plus as a fan service bonus, they brought Mai back in glorious hi rez. Fan boys rejoice. I'm sure that alone will sell some copies. Hopefully KoF 13 will bring the series back into the resurrected 2D fighting genre as and strengthen the case to create even more of them.
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